
FlashDevelop is an open source code editor for ActionScript and Haxe development

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FlashDevelop is a powerful and open-source solution recommended to ActionScript programmers in need of a professional tool for writing, editing, compiling ActionScript code, as well as CPP, CSharp, HMTL, Haxe, CSS, Jscript, and Python source code.

It integrates many features and stands as great competition to other commercial programs of this kind.

FlashDevelop is a quite complex application and it requires additional programming knowledge in order to be used properly; therefore, beginners might have difficulties in understanding its functionality.

I like that FlashDevelop offers access to a lot of settings and configuration options. This also applies to each of the plugins that FlashDevelop comes with. Another feature, which I consider to be very useful especially for beginners, is “code completion”. Regardless of the language that you are using, the program will automatically offer you suggestions as you type code in the main window. It is quite a time-saving solution.

Personally, I enjoyed working with FlashDevelop, and came to the conclusion that it can help developers create professional Flash.


  • Open-source program
  • Highly customizable user-interface
  • It is able to handle languages like: HTML, CSS, CPP, CSharp, JScript, XML, Python, etc


  • It requires additional programming knowledge. (Not suited for beginners)
This program received 2 awards
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FlashDevelop Team
License type:
Open source
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